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h kieferorthopaedie zug bhz 6

Regarding costs and insurance coverage

We'll take care of everything for you. Service, service, service!

We'll also gladly help you navigate problems with your health insurance provider.

Tip: Ask your financial advisor whether you can write off treatment costs when filing your taxes!

If a new device is incorporated into your treatment, we will naturally explain everything you need to know about it.

Health insurance

Most of the major health insurance providers pay 50% of orthodontic treatment costs, or up to 90% with supplemental orthodontic insurance.
Parents should ask their insurance providers about treatment coverage.

Do you have supplemental insurance? Tip: If you do, find out about your percentages and upper limits.

Do you receive additional benefits from disability insurance?

Disability insurance

In cases of severe dental/jaw anomaly, disability insurance covers the entire cost of necessary orthodontic treatment as long as the (clinical and X-ray) criteria for a birth defect are fulfilled.

Treatment costs for birth defects are covered by disability insurance until the patient reaches legal majority at the latest. After that, the health insurance provider is responsible for coverage, as long as it can be medically justified why the treatment could not be carried out earlier.

When a patient under 20 years of age with a possible birth defect receives a preliminary examination or a detailed examination (e.g. with lateral teleradiograph/orthopantomogram), the orthodontic specialist typically helps to determine whether grounds exist for a disability insurance claim.

Removable Appliances

A removable appliance is often used in the transition from primary to permanent teeth. read more

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Fixed Braces

We use almost all bracket systems, including effective treatments with suresmile. Find out more about fixed braces

Invisalign Teen

Go wireless – a gentle treatment without restrictions or irritation. Find out more about Invisalign teen

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Measurably better results. Significantly shorter treatment time. Find out more about suresmile